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Why General Education Is More Than Just a Box to Tick

When we talk about charting the course of our lives, the importance of a sound education cannot be overstressed. It’s not just about securing a well-paying job or carving out a comfortable existence; it’s about laying a foundation for a life rich in knowledge and versatility. Climbing the educational ladder, especially when it comes to college or university, is no small feat. The journey involves navigating through a maze of requirements, including a significant chunk dedicated to general education—those courses that stretch across various disciplines like arts and sciences, handpicked by the faculty to ensure every student emerges not just skilled but well-rounded.

Now, here’s where eyebrows often get raised: Why bother with subjects that seemingly stray far from our chosen paths? “I’m here to become a doctor. What use do I have for music or dance?” is a common refrain. Such skepticism isn’t rare, but I stand firmly on the other side of the fence. To me, dismissing general education as a mere distraction misses the bigger picture. Life, in all its complexity, demands more from us than niche expertise. It asks for breadth of understanding, for adaptability, for the ability to see beyond our silos.

Take my own journey at Monterey Peninsula College, for instance. Here, fulfilling the general education requirements meant shelling out $4,500 for thirty units. Yes, you read that right. And that’s just for starters, not counting the specialization courses. You might wonder, is it worth investing a small fortune in learning that doesn’t directly feed into my major? I say yes, without a shadow of a doubt. Think of it as planting a seed—an investment in yourself that’s bound to bear fruit. Like money in the bank that grows over time, the breadth of knowledge you gain from general education enriches you, paying dividends far beyond the monetary.

But let’s address another elephant in the room: the time “spent” (or as critics would argue, “wasted”) on general education. Viewing these courses as mere hurdles to clear is a grave misjudgment. Instead, see them as stepping stones, opportunities to fill your intellectual reservoir with a wealth of perspectives that could one day prove invaluable. Picture this: a colleague from my business course, previously a nursing school graduate turned medical supervisor, faced a stark ultimatum from her company—broaden your business acumen, or face the axe. It’s a telling example of today’s workplace demands; versatility is king.

Wrapping up, the debate on general education’s value is far from settled in some quarters, with naysayers quick to dismiss it as a needless drain on time and resources. They couldn’t be more wrong. General education isn’t just another box to tick; it’s the very scaffolding that supports a richer, more adaptable intellect, ready to tackle the world’s complexities. The investments made in pursuing a well-rounded education—be it time, effort, or money—are investments in your future happiness and success. So, to those who view general education with skepticism: think again. It’s an indispensable part of our lifelong learning journey, promising returns that far outweigh its costs.

@hamdan.hamedan on Instagram

Thom Haye namanya.

Sang Profesor julukannya.

Rendah hatinya, cerdas mainnya. 

Darah Indonesia mengalir di tubuhnya.

Dari Jawa tengah dan Sulawesi Utara.

Prof Haye tak suka berdialektika.

Apalagi berpanjang kata.

Dia bicara lewat kakinya.

Di lapangan, dia kuasai irama. 

Bagai Pirlo-nya Indonesia. 

Dia lesatkan umpan jitu mempesona.

Gol demi gol pun tecipta.

Dia dan anak bangsa lainnya.

Membela Garuda dengan cinta. 

Bahu membahu menjaga asa. 

Asa bangsanya yang rindu piala dunia.

Dia adalah kita, kita adalah dia. 

Satu jiwa, satu bangsa, satu Garuda.

Di akhir abad ke-18, hiduplah dua rival dan tokoh besar di Amerika Serikat. Thomas Jefferson dan Alexander Hamilton namanya. 

Jefferson, yang tumbuh dalam tradisi agrikultur, lebih condong pada desentralisasi dan pertanian. 

Sementara itu, Hamilton, yang berpengalaman militer dan besar di lingkungan perkotaan, mendukung sentralisasi dan industrialisasi. 

Keduanya punya ide besar untuk negaranya. Keduanya pun ditopang pendukung yang besar. Tapi yang terpenting, keduanya bertekad membuat Amerika, yang belum lama merdeka, menjadi negara besar. 

Meskipun telah lama berseteru, mereka akhirnya setuju untuk mencapai sebuah kompromi. 

Kompromi itu dikenal sebagai Kompromi 1790.

Sederhananya, Jefferson bersedia mendukung Hamilton terkait hutang negara. Hamilton pun mendukung Jefferson terkait pembangunan dan pemindahan ibukota ke daerah yang lebih ke tengah (atau “Amerika-sentris” )—daerah yang kini dikenal sebagai Washington DC. 

Jefferson paham betul pentingnya persatuan di momen krusial dalam sejarah negara yang masih muda. Jangan sampai Amerika layu sebelum berkembang—itu yang ada di benaknya.

Ketika dilantik menjadi presiden, Jefferson tegas berkata: 

“Setiap perbedaan pendapat bukanlah perbedaan prinsip. Kita mungkin punya nama yang berbeda, tapi kita adalah saudara dengan prinsip yang sama.”

Prinsip yang dimaksud Jefferson tak lain adalah prinsip republik yang satu, dan negara yang maju.

Di kemudian hari, sejarawan mencatat bahwa Kompromi 1790 sebagai salah satu kompromi terpenting dalam sejarah Amerika. 

Ketika kedua pemimpin besar memilih untuk menurunkan ego dan bersatu padu, kesuksesan suatu negara sepertinya hanya tinggal menunggu waktu.

Jefferson dan Hamilton pun akhirnya dikenang bukan hanya sebagai rival, tapi sebagai negarawan sejati, yang mampu menempatkan kepentingan negara di atas kepentingan pribadi—mewariskan pelajaran bahwa persatuan adalah fondasi dari Amerika Emas.

Tim dengan ranking FIFA 132 berhasil mengimbangi tim dengan ranking 24. 

Alhamdulillah, super bangga. 

Man of the match adalah Martin “the Wall” Paes: sang Tembok Indonesia. 

Seakan @maartenpaes bangun pagi, bercermin lalu berkata, “Thou shall not pass.” 

Terima kasih banyak seluruh punggawa Garuda. You are truly our joy and pride 🇮🇩🦅🔥

P.S. Kepada pemain diaspora Indonesia yang tinggal di Australia, saya pernah berprediksi, “Indonesia dalam waktu dekat akan mengimbangi Australia.” Alhamdulillah hari ini buktinya 😎
Happy birthday, President Yudhoyono. 

May you be graced with profound joy, enduring health, and abundant blessings. 

Your legacy of wisdom and unwavering dedication to our nation remains an enduring source of inspiration. 

Today, we honor not only your years but the lasting impact of your exemplary leadership. 🫡🇮🇩