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Iraq in Peril: Another Civil War on the Horizon?

The successful blitzkrieg campaign through Northern and Central Iraq by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, prognosticates perilous days ahead for a country constantly fractured by sectarian violence.

The capture of oil-rich Mosul and Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein, raises an unprecedented security challenge to Nouri Al-Maliki’s Shia-led government.

What is transpiring as a melting away of Iraqi troops in the aforementioned cities before the menacing militias has raised serious questions about the capability of the Iraqi troops to defend their remaining territories and, more importantly, their commitment to safeguarding the future of the Republic of Iraq.

Boasting as many as 10,000 fighters, ISIS may well be the most dangerous and formidable militant group operating against the Iraqi government today.

As its name suggests, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is not in the business of participating in the democratic process of the Republic of Iraq, but instead is bent on replacing that republic with a theocratic one (and later an Islamist emirate that straddles Iraq and Syria).

But it is not a theocratic pluralistic Islamic state that ISIS seeks to establish; it vows to establish a Sunni Salafi-jihadist, anti-Shia state in Iraq—a country where close to 70% of its population is Shia Muslims.

Thus, it is no coincidence that everything that follows is a pretty straightforward synnecrosis relationship between the two warring sides.

As the weaker side, ISIS would employ asymmetric, protracted warfare to unnerve and slowly undermine the Iraqi government at every turn, while patiently waiting to inflict the final blow to end the Republic.

On the other hand, the Iraqi government swears to obliterate the sinister group and its aspirations once and for all.

It seems apparent that until the end of 2013, the American-trained Iraqi troops were outwardly winning the war against multifarious inimical groups in the country—a commendable feat considering the U.S. troops had withdrawn two years prior.

But early this year, with the capture of the volatile city of Fallujah, the tide of war has steadily shifted to ISIS.

Recent ISIS exploits, particularly the seizing of Iraq’s second-largest city, Mosul, before barreling south to take the city of Tikrit, demonstrate that ISIS is on the offensive; and the group is now seemingly more dangerous and potent than ever.

Some even venture to label ISIS as the most dangerous militant group in the world.

Notwithstanding the label, ISIS is unequivocally more pernicious for the simple reason that its core members are learning from previous fatal mistakes.

Specifically, they are avoiding alienating Sunni tribal groups, a strategy that under the draconian leadership of Zarqawi, when they were aligned with Al-Qaeda, nearly caused their downfall.

They realize more than ever that alienating any Sunni groups or attacking them for slight differences or peccadillos is counterproductive at best, and suicidal at worst.

Instead, they now exploit the seemingly irreparable Sunni-Shia schism (and by extension, between the Shia-led government and the minority Sunni community) to recruit bellicose Sunni members, all the while projecting their images as guardians of the Sunni community.

Having a capable, seasoned, and purportedly homegrown Sunni leader known only by his nom de guerre, Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi, serves to broaden the group’s appeal and legitimacy over disgruntled Sunnis over Prime Minister Al-Maliki’s supposed bias in favor of the Shia majority.

Furthermore, the presence of the group in Syria, which currently serves as the hotbed of Sunni-Jihadis, enables it to recruit an influx of foreign fighters seeking martyrdom and to resupply weapons.

After ISIS seized Mosul a few days ago, its members looted $425 million from the city’s central bank.

Now that the group has the manpower, weapons, and wherewithal to sustain heavy showdowns against the Iraqi troops, the question is now whether the latter would be ready to meet that arduous challenge.

Iraqi troops alone won’t be able to challenge ISIS’s unabated advance toward Baghdad, let alone recapture lost territories.

Waiting until Sunni tribal groups in seized cities such as Mosul, Tikrit, and others revolt and repel ISIS, just like they did with its predecessor Al-Qaeda in Iraq, due to maladministration, albeit possible, would only serve to enervate the credibility and legitimacy of the current administration.

To stay in power, or to appear to still be in power, Prime Minister Al-Maliki must inevitably act.

The good news for him is that he is not alone in this.

The U.S. and Iran have signaled their intention to assist.

Irrespective of the external assistance, it is clear that the Iraqi troops are ultimately the ones who must fight the ground battles, since the others probably won’t.

Hence, Prime Minister Al-Maliki and his commanders must succeed, first and foremost, in galvanizing the morale of their troops to combat ISIS, lest they simply melt away and flee like what happened in Mosul.

For the Maliki government, this imminent war is a must-win for the preservation of the Republic.

For the ISIS members, there is no such thing as abandoning their so-called jihad; it is either die in battle or live for another battle.

So what is it going to be this time, a democratic, despotic, or theocratic state?

No one knows for sure.

Yet one thing is sure as hell: For the Iraqi people, another disastrous civil war is looming ever so close on the ominous horizon.

* This article was previously published in June 2014

@hamdan.hamedan on Instagram

Dalam suatu riwayat, Rasulullah ﷺ memuji lelaki yang rela bersusah payah menggotong kayu bakar lalu menjualnya (HR. Bukhari no. 1471).

Mengapa Rasulullah ﷺ memujinya?

Karena bekerja, sesederhana apa pun, itu lebih mulia daripada mengemis pada manusia. 

Karena lelaki itu mencari nafkah yang halal dengan tangannya untuk menghidupi dirinya dan keluarganya.

Dan tidak ada nafkah yang lebih baik ketimbang yang diupayakan oleh jerih payah tangan sendiri (HR. Bukhari no. 2072).

Siapapun kamu, penjual kayu bakar atau pedagang es teh, kamu mulia di mata Allah—walau mata manusia sering kali terlalu silau untuk melihatnya.

Kalau ada satu hal yang begitu dekat di hati menteri pekerja dan kemudian presiden Argentina Juan Perón adalah kesejahteraan para pekerja.

Bagi Perón, harga diri seseorang (dan bangsa) ada pada pekerjaannya. 

Dengan bekerja, seseorang mampu memajukan bangsanya, menafkahi keluarga tercintanya, sehingga ia “gagah” dan “bermartabat” sebagai manusia.

Karenanya, ketika terpilih pada 1946, Perón menjadikan kesejahteraan pekerja sebagai prioritas. Di tengah tantangan ekonomi dan keterbatasan fiskal, ia “berani”  meningkatkan upah pekerja.

Salah satu kebijakannya yang monumental adalah aguinaldo, bonus tahunan setara satu bulan gaji, yang membawa kelegaan finansial bagi jutaan pekerja Argentina.

Namun, ambisi Perón meningkatkan upah hingga 35% dalam waktu singkat membawa konsekuensi berat. Defisit fiskal mendorong pemerintah mencetak uang, memicu inflasi, dan akhirnya melemahkan daya beli masyarakat.

Kisah Perón adalah pelajaran abadi: perjuangan untuk kesejahteraan membutuhkan semangat, tapi juga kehati-hatian. Dan perjuangan itu memang butuh kesabaran untuk berprogres secara bertahap.

Meski tidak sempurna, ingatlah bahwa setiap langkah kecil menuju keadilan sosial (justicialismo) adalah kemenangan yang layak diapresiasi.

Sejarah mengingatkan kita, kebijakan yang gradual dan terukur sering kali lebih berkelanjutan untuk masa depan bangsa. 

Sehingga saya percaya keputusan Presiden @prabowo untuk meningkatkan upah minimum nasional (UMN) satu digit (6,5%) ketimbang permintaan dua digit (10%) sudah tepat. Langkah ini tak hanya bentuk kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja, tapi juga kecermatan dalam menjaga stabilitas ekonomi nasional.

Sejahtera pekerjanya, maju negaranya. Semoga.
Presiden Prabowo: Kunjungan ke Luar Negeri untuk Kemajuan Negeri

Presiden Prabowo Subianto baru saja menyelesaikan lawatan internasional pertamanya.

Melintasi lebih dari 45 ribu kilometer dalam 16 hari, beliau berdiplomasi dengan para pemimpin dunia di Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, Peru, Brasil, Inggris, dan Uni Emirat Arab.

Kunjungan ini bukan sekadar perjalanan diplomatik, tetapi sebuah upaya untuk kemajuan negeri. Beliau pun pulang membawa “oleh-oleh” untuk bangsanya 🇮🇩:

✅ Komitmen Investasi $18,57 Miliar (~ Rp 294 T)* : Meliputi energi terbarukan, teknologi, dan industrialisasi yang akan mempercepat transformasi ekonomi bangsa, termasuk proyek penangkapan dan pemanfaatan karbon untuk mendukung transisi energi hijau.

✅ Perdagangan: Melalui CEPA dengan Uni Emirat Arab, perdagangan nonmigas diharapkan terus tumbuh dan mencapai $10 miliar.

✅ Diplomasi Strategis: Bertemu para pemimpin dunia seperti Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, dan Sekretaris Jenderal PBB António Guterres. 

Dalam pertemuannya dengan Guterres, Presiden Prabowo menegaskan dukungan Indonesia terhadap perdamaian dunia dan komitmen terhadap perjuangan P*lest*na. 

Bahkan beliau menyatakan, Indonesia siap mengirim pasukan perdamaian, jika dibutuhkan.

Presiden Prabowo menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang besar, siap tampil di GARDA TERDEPAN pergaulan dan perdamaian dunia. 

Welcome home, Mr. President @prabowo . 🌍🇮🇩

*Angka ini hampir dua kali lipat anggaran pertahanan Indonesia (Rp 165 T)

Jose Mourinho bercerita bahwa dia pernah mempunyai kapten hebat di FC Porto. Jorge Costa namanya. 

Saat kondisi kurang ideal, Costa pernah minta izin kepada Mourinho untuk “berbicara” lebih dulu kepada para pemain di ruang ganti sebelum sang pelatih masuk. 

Mourinho pun setuju. 

Hasilnya luar biasa: para pemain langsung terbakar semangat, dan Porto pun keluar sebagai pemenang. 

Bahkan mereka akhirnya sampai mencetak sejarah juara Piala Champions. 

Itulah harmoni antara kapten dan pelatih yang hebat—dua jiwa yang seirama, bekerja sama demi kejayaan tim. 

Kombinasi seperti ini adalah kunci sukses dalam sepakbola, dan lazim ditemukan di tim-tim yang serius mau sukses. 

Yuk, kita bersama-sama mengedukasi tentang pentingnya sinergi antara kapten dan pelatih—bukan mencari hal-hal yang tak substansial, apalagi hanya demi sensasi dan klik semata. 

Trust me, you can do better next time 😊.

P.S. Oh ya, Jorge Costa itu posisinya bek. Jadi mengingatkanku kepada siapa ya? 😎

Selamat kepada Coach @shintaeyong7777 dan segenap tim atas kemenangan gemilang 2-0 melawan Arab Saudi di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Babak Ketiga. 

Rekor-rekor baru pun tercipta:

1️⃣ Kemenangan pertama di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia 
2️⃣ Kemenangan pertama atas Arab Saudi sepanjang sejarah
3️⃣ Indonesia sebagai tim ASEAN tersukses di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia dengan raihan 6 poin – melewati Vietnam (4 poin) dan Thailand (2 poin).

Dengan hasil ini, Indonesia berada di peringkat 3 Grup C, membuktikan bahwa harapan itu masih ada dan menyala 🔥

Terima kasih, Garuda, telah membuat kami bahagia dan bangga 🦅🇮🇩

Nah, yang bangga dengan progress dan proses timnas kita, mana nih suaranya? 😊
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