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Choosing Health: The Life-Changing Decision to Quit Smoking

Winston Churchill once said, “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” This declaration underscores the invaluable role health plays not only in individual well-being but also in a nation’s collective vitality. Among the myriad ways to bolster this asset, quitting smoking stands out as perhaps the most impactful for countless individuals.

Have you, as a smoker, ever thought about quitting?

Yes, quitting isn’t easy. It requires planning, attention, and energy. However, it is the single most important step you can take to improve your health, well-being, and the quality of your life.

If you’re still in doubt, perhaps the following information will convince you.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, smoking is the chief cause of preventable deaths, even in advanced nations such as the United States. Nearly one in five deaths in this country is related to tobacco. Despite the well-known health risks, the number of smokers in the United States continues to rise.

Smoking not only poses health risks but also financial burdens. Can you imagine? If you smoke a pack a day, it can cost you more than $2,000 a year. With that kind of money, you could vacation in Raja Ampat or even Hawaii.

Turning our gaze to Indonesia, we see that the situation is also concerning. The country is home to 70 million smokers, making it the third-largest population of smokers worldwide. The prevalence of youth smoking in Indonesia reached 25.7% in 2021, with a slight decrease to 24.36% in 2022. This suggests that one in four Indonesian youths are ensnared by the grip of tobacco, a figure that is both alarming and a call to action.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati has illuminated the staggering cost smoking imposes on Indonesia’s health insurance system, with expenditures ranging from Rp17.9 trillion to Rp27.7 trillion annually due to smoking-related health issues. This financial burden is compounded by the fact that the cost of treating smoking-related diseases is three times higher than the tax revenue generated from tobacco products, as highlighted by the Director of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control at the Ministry of Health, Eva Susanti. This stark disparity underscores the critical need for effective smoking cessation strategies and policies to mitigate these economic losses.

So, how can one quit?

There are two major approaches to quitting smoking: non-medical and medical means. The most important thing to remember is that it’s never too late to quit, and quitting is never easy.

The holy month of Ramadan presents a unique opportunity for those looking to quit smoking. Fasting from dawn until sunset, the discipline and spiritual reflection encouraged during this time can serve as a powerful motivator to overcome the addiction to smoking. The change in daily routines and the emphasis on self-restraint can help smokers to break the habit and start a smoke-free life.

As stated above, it’s never too late to quit, and there’s never an easy time to do it. It will be much easier if your willingness to quit outweighs your desire to smoke. Many people don’t quit smoking because they think it’s too difficult. They plan to quit someday, so they continue smoking. According to Dr. Tracy Falba, a scientist in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale School of Medicine, “There is only one way to quit smoking, and that is to stop smoking altogether.” To successfully quit smoking, you may use the following tips and suggestions.

Now let’s discuss some non-medical ways to quit smoking. First, set a quit date and inform your friends or family that you’re going to quit smoking on that day. Try to get their support, which can serve as a form of social control. The next step is to get rid of all your cigarettes, and don’t forget to throw away your ashtrays, matches, lighters, and, of course, any extra cigarettes you may have lying around. Eliminate the smell of cigarettes as much as you can because the smells could tempt you to smoke again.

Another important step is to avoid situations that tempt you to smoke, such as after meals, when you drive, or when you hang out with your friends. Lastly, if you slip and find yourself smoking, don’t be discouraged. Examining what caused you to smoke will also help you avoid smoking again in the future. In addition, remember that many former smokers tried to stop several times before they finally succeeded. The important thing is to never give up.

Furthermore, there are also medical means to quit smoking. First of all, you could use nicotine replacement items, such as nasal sprays, nicotine patches, and nicotine inhalers, if you need to. Another suggestion is to visit and talk to your doctor before buying patches and gums over the counter. That way, your doctor can help you find the solution that will work best for you. Many doctors may suggest you use medications. Nicotine-replacement medications that relieve withdrawal symptoms without creating the ‘buzz’ that keeps smokers hooked are recommended by the American Lung Association as one component of an effective quit-smoking plan. You should choose the most appropriate one for you with the help of your doctor or another healthcare professional.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the decision to quit smoking is deeply personal yet universally beneficial. By choosing to quit, you’re not just saving thousands of dollars that could be better spent on memorable experiences like vacations in Raja Ampat or Hawaii; you’re also granting yourself the chance to live a longer, more fulfilling life. Imagine watching your grandchildren grow, pursuing hobbies and passions you’ve set aside, and enjoying moments with your loved ones without the shadow of health issues looming overhead.

The benefits of quitting smoking extend beyond the immediate relief of not needing a cigarette; they translate into tangible, long-lasting improvements in your quality of life. You protect not only your health but also shield your loved ones from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, setting a powerful example for future generations.

As we navigate the challenging but rewarding path to quitting smoking, let’s keep in mind that each cigarette we don’t light is a step closer to a healthier, richer life. The journey towards quitting smoking is indeed a profound investment in oneself—an investment that pays dividends in the form of extended life, saved wealth, and safeguarded family well-being. Let us embrace this journey not just for our today but for all the tomorrows we hope to see. It’s never too late to make a change, and the best time to start is now.

@hamdan.hamedan on Instagram

Dalam suatu riwayat, Rasulullah ﷺ memuji lelaki yang rela bersusah payah menggotong kayu bakar lalu menjualnya (HR. Bukhari no. 1471).

Mengapa Rasulullah ﷺ memujinya?

Karena bekerja, sesederhana apa pun, itu lebih mulia daripada mengemis pada manusia. 

Karena lelaki itu mencari nafkah yang halal dengan tangannya untuk menghidupi dirinya dan keluarganya.

Dan tidak ada nafkah yang lebih baik ketimbang yang diupayakan oleh jerih payah tangan sendiri (HR. Bukhari no. 2072).

Siapapun kamu, penjual kayu bakar atau pedagang es teh, kamu mulia di mata Allah—walau mata manusia sering kali terlalu silau untuk melihatnya.

Kalau ada satu hal yang begitu dekat di hati menteri pekerja dan kemudian presiden Argentina Juan Perón adalah kesejahteraan para pekerja.

Bagi Perón, harga diri seseorang (dan bangsa) ada pada pekerjaannya. 

Dengan bekerja, seseorang mampu memajukan bangsanya, menafkahi keluarga tercintanya, sehingga ia “gagah” dan “bermartabat” sebagai manusia.

Karenanya, ketika terpilih pada 1946, Perón menjadikan kesejahteraan pekerja sebagai prioritas. Di tengah tantangan ekonomi dan keterbatasan fiskal, ia “berani”  meningkatkan upah pekerja.

Salah satu kebijakannya yang monumental adalah aguinaldo, bonus tahunan setara satu bulan gaji, yang membawa kelegaan finansial bagi jutaan pekerja Argentina.

Namun, ambisi Perón meningkatkan upah hingga 35% dalam waktu singkat membawa konsekuensi berat. Defisit fiskal mendorong pemerintah mencetak uang, memicu inflasi, dan akhirnya melemahkan daya beli masyarakat.

Kisah Perón adalah pelajaran abadi: perjuangan untuk kesejahteraan membutuhkan semangat, tapi juga kehati-hatian. Dan perjuangan itu memang butuh kesabaran untuk berprogres secara bertahap.

Meski tidak sempurna, ingatlah bahwa setiap langkah kecil menuju keadilan sosial (justicialismo) adalah kemenangan yang layak diapresiasi.

Sejarah mengingatkan kita, kebijakan yang gradual dan terukur sering kali lebih berkelanjutan untuk masa depan bangsa. 

Sehingga saya percaya keputusan Presiden @prabowo untuk meningkatkan upah minimum nasional (UMN) satu digit (6,5%) ketimbang permintaan dua digit (10%) sudah tepat. Langkah ini tak hanya bentuk kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja, tapi juga kecermatan dalam menjaga stabilitas ekonomi nasional.

Sejahtera pekerjanya, maju negaranya. Semoga.
Presiden Prabowo: Kunjungan ke Luar Negeri untuk Kemajuan Negeri

Presiden Prabowo Subianto baru saja menyelesaikan lawatan internasional pertamanya.

Melintasi lebih dari 45 ribu kilometer dalam 16 hari, beliau berdiplomasi dengan para pemimpin dunia di Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, Peru, Brasil, Inggris, dan Uni Emirat Arab.

Kunjungan ini bukan sekadar perjalanan diplomatik, tetapi sebuah upaya untuk kemajuan negeri. Beliau pun pulang membawa “oleh-oleh” untuk bangsanya 🇮🇩:

✅ Komitmen Investasi $18,57 Miliar (~ Rp 294 T)* : Meliputi energi terbarukan, teknologi, dan industrialisasi yang akan mempercepat transformasi ekonomi bangsa, termasuk proyek penangkapan dan pemanfaatan karbon untuk mendukung transisi energi hijau.

✅ Perdagangan: Melalui CEPA dengan Uni Emirat Arab, perdagangan nonmigas diharapkan terus tumbuh dan mencapai $10 miliar.

✅ Diplomasi Strategis: Bertemu para pemimpin dunia seperti Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, dan Sekretaris Jenderal PBB António Guterres. 

Dalam pertemuannya dengan Guterres, Presiden Prabowo menegaskan dukungan Indonesia terhadap perdamaian dunia dan komitmen terhadap perjuangan P*lest*na. 

Bahkan beliau menyatakan, Indonesia siap mengirim pasukan perdamaian, jika dibutuhkan.

Presiden Prabowo menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang besar, siap tampil di GARDA TERDEPAN pergaulan dan perdamaian dunia. 

Welcome home, Mr. President @prabowo . 🌍🇮🇩

*Angka ini hampir dua kali lipat anggaran pertahanan Indonesia (Rp 165 T)

Jose Mourinho bercerita bahwa dia pernah mempunyai kapten hebat di FC Porto. Jorge Costa namanya. 

Saat kondisi kurang ideal, Costa pernah minta izin kepada Mourinho untuk “berbicara” lebih dulu kepada para pemain di ruang ganti sebelum sang pelatih masuk. 

Mourinho pun setuju. 

Hasilnya luar biasa: para pemain langsung terbakar semangat, dan Porto pun keluar sebagai pemenang. 

Bahkan mereka akhirnya sampai mencetak sejarah juara Piala Champions. 

Itulah harmoni antara kapten dan pelatih yang hebat—dua jiwa yang seirama, bekerja sama demi kejayaan tim. 

Kombinasi seperti ini adalah kunci sukses dalam sepakbola, dan lazim ditemukan di tim-tim yang serius mau sukses. 

Yuk, kita bersama-sama mengedukasi tentang pentingnya sinergi antara kapten dan pelatih—bukan mencari hal-hal yang tak substansial, apalagi hanya demi sensasi dan klik semata. 

Trust me, you can do better next time 😊.

P.S. Oh ya, Jorge Costa itu posisinya bek. Jadi mengingatkanku kepada siapa ya? 😎

Selamat kepada Coach @shintaeyong7777 dan segenap tim atas kemenangan gemilang 2-0 melawan Arab Saudi di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Babak Ketiga. 

Rekor-rekor baru pun tercipta:

1️⃣ Kemenangan pertama di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia 
2️⃣ Kemenangan pertama atas Arab Saudi sepanjang sejarah
3️⃣ Indonesia sebagai tim ASEAN tersukses di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia dengan raihan 6 poin – melewati Vietnam (4 poin) dan Thailand (2 poin).

Dengan hasil ini, Indonesia berada di peringkat 3 Grup C, membuktikan bahwa harapan itu masih ada dan menyala 🔥

Terima kasih, Garuda, telah membuat kami bahagia dan bangga 🦅🇮🇩

Nah, yang bangga dengan progress dan proses timnas kita, mana nih suaranya? 😊
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