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Cultivating Curiosity, Countering Extremism

This article was previously published in the Jakarta Post in November 2015

Coordinated attacks perpetrated by the Islamic State (IS) movement in the heart of Paris on Nov. 13 last week shocked France and the global community. Governments across the world quickly condemned these heinous acts against innocent civilians and warned that the fight against religious extremism, with IS forming its latest strain, was far from over. Aside from military means to counteract extremist operations, many wonder if the ideological battle can also be won. The ideological battle entails preventing people from being seduced by extreme and pernicious ideologies that inspire them to commit acts of terrorism. As IS rapidly expands its presence in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, the importance of the ideological battle cannot be overstated.

There is a relatively simple way to prevent someone from turning into a radical and taking on an extreme ideology: cultivate curiosity. Cultivating curiosity can be one of the most practical and effective ways to counter radicalization. It could lead one to expand one’s horizons and uncover ideas outside of his or her current sphere of knowledge, and it could work to counter the rigorous indoctrination that Islamist groups engage in, to which some people fall victim. Cultivating curiosity will lead one to read different kinds of books and listen to different kinds of lectures, which in turn might challenge preconceived notions and unsubstantiated beliefs.

Learning from radically polarized sources does not in any way imply a lack of confidence in what one has learned so far, nor does it represent doubt in one’s sacred beliefs. It is rather a tacit, astute understanding that others might have something of value to offer and that no one possesses a monopoly on knowledge and truth. This understanding is vital for two reasons. First, possessing a broader understanding of the world and of history is anathema to radicalization. Radicalization often happens when individuals are constantly and systematically indoctrinated with extreme and anti-status quo ideologies germinating from only one source that is unilaterally labeled as infallible. By contrast, curiosity stimulates individuals to venture to the other side of the fence, initially, perhaps, for a benign purpose. However, there is also the not-so benign purpose of learning the weaknesses of the arguments presented by one’s ideological adversaries. Nonetheless, a sustained venture to the other side of the fence may lead to the erosion of one’s flawed ideology, for any extreme ideology is intrinsically rife with gaps in logic and is inherently untenable.

This is exactly what happened to Arno Michaelis, a former leader of a violent white-supremacist group. Michaelis ventured into reading books and listening to lectures concerning racial equality from African-American leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. This process marked the beginning of Michaelis’ own self-de-radicalization. During a recent discussion about the intersection of knowledge, technology, and counterterrorism at the Declara office in Silicon Valley, I asked Michaelis what made him leave the racist skinhead organization that he had helped establish. Through a hoarse voice, he said, “compassion is very important to me. But also, I have always been curious, and I’ve always wanted to learn other stuff. That is what I think made me leave.” The Michaelis case is telling, for it illustrates that it is possible even for leaders of extreme organizations, not just their followers, to experience a complete cognitive shift by cultivating their curiosities.

Furthermore, extremist groups tend to be obsessed with the control and monopoly of information. Ingrained in their teachings is the idea that they hold all the truth and information that one will ever need. Since the truth is with them, others surely possess nothing but untruth. Through this false dichotomy, extremist groups emphasize to their followers and potential followers the importance of getting information only from one source—the group’s version of truth.

IS brainwashes and molds its subjects into, as Thomas Aquinas warned, people of one book. Getting information or knowledge from other sources is strictly prohibited and often penalized. IS, for example, established a fatwa (edict) Department to codify its own Islamic teachings and made the Department’s publications the only permitted source of reference in Islamic jurisprudence. It has also employed a religious police called Hisbah to enforce its draconian teachings. IS brainwashes and molds its subjects into, as Thomas Aquinas warned, people of one book—homo unius libri. In this already not-so-distant dystopia, IS plans to dissuade people from reading other books that fall out of line with its teachings. IS will try to create a parochial atmosphere where everything is observed and interpreted from only one lens. When this intellectual insularity is compounded with a penchant for violence, the only plausible outcome is the production of bigoted and enslaved individuals who have only hammers. And for those who have only hammers, everyone else who contradicts their one-sided ideology appears to be a false idol waiting to be smashed.

This leads to the second reason why cultivating curiosity is important. Those who cultivate their curiosity tend to seek information from different sources, remain open to new ideas, and are wary of institutions that seek to control and monopolize information. This creates built-in defense mechanisms against the appeal of extremist groups. Intellectually curious people might become interested in an extremist group at first, simply for the sake of learning new ideas, but upon discovering the rigidity of its dogmas and structures, its authoritarian nature, the shallowness of its logic, and atrocities the group is willing to commit, they would quickly leave.

If your friends and relatives begin to venture into the treacherous waters of extremism, be it religious or political in nature, politely ask them whether they have read or considered arguments from opposing angles. Ask them whether they have seriously considered both the material and human costs for changing the status quo. Chances are that they have not. Offer them different, but reasonably objective sources of information without pontificating or displaying condescension. Guide them to discover new horizons and paradigms. In short, help cultivate their curiosity.

Sometimes all it takes to prevent incidents like the attack in France is the cultivation of curiosity through reading different texts and considering different points of view. Let’s prevent such attacks from ever happening again. Our world deserves better.

@hamdan.hamedan on Instagram

Dalam suatu riwayat, Rasulullah ﷺ memuji lelaki yang rela bersusah payah menggotong kayu bakar lalu menjualnya (HR. Bukhari no. 1471).

Mengapa Rasulullah ﷺ memujinya?

Karena bekerja, sesederhana apa pun, itu lebih mulia daripada mengemis pada manusia. 

Karena lelaki itu mencari nafkah yang halal dengan tangannya untuk menghidupi dirinya dan keluarganya.

Dan tidak ada nafkah yang lebih baik ketimbang yang diupayakan oleh jerih payah tangan sendiri (HR. Bukhari no. 2072).

Siapapun kamu, penjual kayu bakar atau pedagang es teh, kamu mulia di mata Allah—walau mata manusia sering kali terlalu silau untuk melihatnya.

Kalau ada satu hal yang begitu dekat di hati menteri pekerja dan kemudian presiden Argentina Juan Perón adalah kesejahteraan para pekerja.

Bagi Perón, harga diri seseorang (dan bangsa) ada pada pekerjaannya. 

Dengan bekerja, seseorang mampu memajukan bangsanya, menafkahi keluarga tercintanya, sehingga ia “gagah” dan “bermartabat” sebagai manusia.

Karenanya, ketika terpilih pada 1946, Perón menjadikan kesejahteraan pekerja sebagai prioritas. Di tengah tantangan ekonomi dan keterbatasan fiskal, ia “berani”  meningkatkan upah pekerja.

Salah satu kebijakannya yang monumental adalah aguinaldo, bonus tahunan setara satu bulan gaji, yang membawa kelegaan finansial bagi jutaan pekerja Argentina.

Namun, ambisi Perón meningkatkan upah hingga 35% dalam waktu singkat membawa konsekuensi berat. Defisit fiskal mendorong pemerintah mencetak uang, memicu inflasi, dan akhirnya melemahkan daya beli masyarakat.

Kisah Perón adalah pelajaran abadi: perjuangan untuk kesejahteraan membutuhkan semangat, tapi juga kehati-hatian. Dan perjuangan itu memang butuh kesabaran untuk berprogres secara bertahap.

Meski tidak sempurna, ingatlah bahwa setiap langkah kecil menuju keadilan sosial (justicialismo) adalah kemenangan yang layak diapresiasi.

Sejarah mengingatkan kita, kebijakan yang gradual dan terukur sering kali lebih berkelanjutan untuk masa depan bangsa. 

Sehingga saya percaya keputusan Presiden @prabowo untuk meningkatkan upah minimum nasional (UMN) satu digit (6,5%) ketimbang permintaan dua digit (10%) sudah tepat. Langkah ini tak hanya bentuk kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja, tapi juga kecermatan dalam menjaga stabilitas ekonomi nasional.

Sejahtera pekerjanya, maju negaranya. Semoga.
Presiden Prabowo: Kunjungan ke Luar Negeri untuk Kemajuan Negeri

Presiden Prabowo Subianto baru saja menyelesaikan lawatan internasional pertamanya.

Melintasi lebih dari 45 ribu kilometer dalam 16 hari, beliau berdiplomasi dengan para pemimpin dunia di Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, Peru, Brasil, Inggris, dan Uni Emirat Arab.

Kunjungan ini bukan sekadar perjalanan diplomatik, tetapi sebuah upaya untuk kemajuan negeri. Beliau pun pulang membawa “oleh-oleh” untuk bangsanya 🇮🇩:

✅ Komitmen Investasi $18,57 Miliar (~ Rp 294 T)* : Meliputi energi terbarukan, teknologi, dan industrialisasi yang akan mempercepat transformasi ekonomi bangsa, termasuk proyek penangkapan dan pemanfaatan karbon untuk mendukung transisi energi hijau.

✅ Perdagangan: Melalui CEPA dengan Uni Emirat Arab, perdagangan nonmigas diharapkan terus tumbuh dan mencapai $10 miliar.

✅ Diplomasi Strategis: Bertemu para pemimpin dunia seperti Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, dan Sekretaris Jenderal PBB António Guterres. 

Dalam pertemuannya dengan Guterres, Presiden Prabowo menegaskan dukungan Indonesia terhadap perdamaian dunia dan komitmen terhadap perjuangan P*lest*na. 

Bahkan beliau menyatakan, Indonesia siap mengirim pasukan perdamaian, jika dibutuhkan.

Presiden Prabowo menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang besar, siap tampil di GARDA TERDEPAN pergaulan dan perdamaian dunia. 

Welcome home, Mr. President @prabowo . 🌍🇮🇩

*Angka ini hampir dua kali lipat anggaran pertahanan Indonesia (Rp 165 T)

Jose Mourinho bercerita bahwa dia pernah mempunyai kapten hebat di FC Porto. Jorge Costa namanya. 

Saat kondisi kurang ideal, Costa pernah minta izin kepada Mourinho untuk “berbicara” lebih dulu kepada para pemain di ruang ganti sebelum sang pelatih masuk. 

Mourinho pun setuju. 

Hasilnya luar biasa: para pemain langsung terbakar semangat, dan Porto pun keluar sebagai pemenang. 

Bahkan mereka akhirnya sampai mencetak sejarah juara Piala Champions. 

Itulah harmoni antara kapten dan pelatih yang hebat—dua jiwa yang seirama, bekerja sama demi kejayaan tim. 

Kombinasi seperti ini adalah kunci sukses dalam sepakbola, dan lazim ditemukan di tim-tim yang serius mau sukses. 

Yuk, kita bersama-sama mengedukasi tentang pentingnya sinergi antara kapten dan pelatih—bukan mencari hal-hal yang tak substansial, apalagi hanya demi sensasi dan klik semata. 

Trust me, you can do better next time 😊.

P.S. Oh ya, Jorge Costa itu posisinya bek. Jadi mengingatkanku kepada siapa ya? 😎

Selamat kepada Coach @shintaeyong7777 dan segenap tim atas kemenangan gemilang 2-0 melawan Arab Saudi di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Babak Ketiga. 

Rekor-rekor baru pun tercipta:

1️⃣ Kemenangan pertama di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia 
2️⃣ Kemenangan pertama atas Arab Saudi sepanjang sejarah
3️⃣ Indonesia sebagai tim ASEAN tersukses di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia dengan raihan 6 poin – melewati Vietnam (4 poin) dan Thailand (2 poin).

Dengan hasil ini, Indonesia berada di peringkat 3 Grup C, membuktikan bahwa harapan itu masih ada dan menyala 🔥

Terima kasih, Garuda, telah membuat kami bahagia dan bangga 🦅🇮🇩

Nah, yang bangga dengan progress dan proses timnas kita, mana nih suaranya? 😊
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