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Diaspora Indonesia, Bela dan Bangun Negara: A Perspective

Hamdan Hamedan*

Prima facie, the phrase “Indonesian diaspora”—the increasingly accepted term for overseas Indonesians—seems peculiar when followed by “bela dan bangun negara” (to defend and develop the nation). Location and distance seemingly obviate or negate even the mere concept of diaspora Indonesia bela dan bangun negara. However, is this observation accurate? What about from the standpoint of history, reality, and the future?

If we examine our history, the concept of the diaspora bela negara is neither far-fetched nor a hypothetical concept, but rather, it is a historical fact. Before independence, for example, the diaspora in the Netherlands valiantly advocated for Indonesia’s independence throughout Europe, even though some had to endure imprisonment as a result. More than just a few people, including Bung Hatta and Sutan Sjahrir, later returned to their homeland and played indispensable roles in securing Indonesian independence.

After independence, the Indonesian diaspora in Egypt, Zein Hassan, and his companions, played their roles in assisting Haji Agus Salim’s entourage in obtaining the first recognition of Indonesian independence from the Egyptian government. Bung Hatta even lauded how the diaspora’s lobby ‘paved the way’ for Indonesian diplomats to secure the Middle Eastern countries’ recognition of our independence.

Diaspora bela negara does not cease following the end of the revolution; rather, it continues to grow and evolve in the era of globalization. The diaspora’s endeavor may no longer be within the context of achieving independence but continues in the context of preserving national identity. In this case, the phrase diaspora bela negara is not only consistent with its etymological dimension but also with its conceptual sphere. The word ‘bela’, according to the Great Dictionary of Bahasa, does not simply mean to ‘free from danger,’ but also to ‘maintain’. As such, bela negara could also be interpreted as an effort to maintain or ensure the perpetuity of a country.

A country, in particular Indonesia, is an amalgamation of various kinds of tribes, nations, religions, traditions, and languages. The creation of this amalgamation cannot be separated from the national identity that is socially constructed and woven together. The national identity then naturally becomes a key component in maintaining the unity of the country. Pancasila, Bahasa Indonesia, and batik, for instance, are parts of our national identity. Can we truly imagine Indonesia without them? Thus, it is logical to postulate that preserving the national identity is something inseparable from the concept of bela negara itself. This is one of the domains where the Indonesian diaspora can continue their contributions.

Diaspora and National Identity

The Indonesian diaspora, estimated around eight million strong and spread over 90 different countries, not only have roles in maintaining national identity but also in introducing it to other nations—people-to-people diplomacy. In terms of language, for example, the diaspora proudly continue the use of their national language during their everyday lives. Someone who visits Randwick, Australia, would feel at home with the prevalence of Indonesian languages spoken there and the presence of a variety of Indonesian restaurants. Furthermore, cultural parades, which display traditional art and dance, are often organized by the diaspora for a foreign audience. In Northern California, for example, at least four cultural performances are held annually, ranging from gamelan and angklung performances to Kecak and Tortor dances. In short, the national identity that was previously only confined to the country, could now be promoted outside of the country, since the diaspora themselves tend to be intrinsically motivated to promote their national identity.

Moreover, the diaspora routinely conduct flag ceremonies, pay respects to the Red-and-White flag, and sing the national anthem at ceremonies carried out by Indonesian representatives abroad. One particular diaspora member in Peru, who resides far from the capital city of Lima, still organizes a ceremony on August 17, even if this event is attended only by his wife and children. All of these are expressions of love for the national symbol in accordance with Law No. 24/2009.

International Relations

The growing diaspora communities, which continue to preserve the national identity and play active roles in social, cultural, and political facets in their respective countries of residence, could influence relations between both countries. Such a relationship ultimately is interrelated with the realm of national security (minimizing the potential for conflict) between both countries.

In general, trends in international relations indicate that diasporas tend to promote positive relations between countries and often serve as a bridge between them. The Indonesian diaspora community, who love and are loved by their motherland, can promote Indonesia’s national interests abroad, akin to diplomats but without diplomatic passports. Positive relations between both countries could further minimize security threats or aggression directed from foreign countries to the diaspora’s country of origin. The diaspora usually have an interest in ensuring that a relation between the two countries is not antagonistic but rather synergistic. The example of the Indonesian diaspora in Egypt in the early history of Indonesian independence demonstrates how the Indonesian diaspora can influence the Egyptian government’s policies to be more supportive of the Indonesian government’s request.

Yet, there are times when the diaspora community, with an abundance of capital and access to power, may strongly influence the foreign policy of a host country. For example, the Jewish diaspora in the United States, who, according to John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, have had a powerful influence in ensuring that the US foreign policy is in line with Israel’s defense interests. In the example of the Jewish diaspora, it is clear that the diaspora are directly assisting the defense of their country of origin through their influence and lobby.

Bangun Negara

Nonetheless, the diaspora’s role and potential impact on their homeland, according to migration experts like Kathleen Newland, are generally significant in the economic sector. Diasporas are uniquely positioned to contribute to boosting economic development in their homeland. It goes without saying that the country’s economy is closely related to its capacity to defend itself from a variety of security threats. Countries with faltering economies normally have difficult times modernizing their armaments, improving the quality of their soldiers, and warding off increasingly varied security threats.

Through remittances, the diaspora could help boost their homeland’s economy. The amount of remittances sent yearly is substantial and continues to steadily increase. In 2014, for example, the total diaspora remittances reached Rp109 trillion. It is interesting to note that the 2014 remittances exceeded the 2014 Defense Budget by Rp19 trillion. And the 2015 remittances continued to surge to Rp119 trillion. Amidst the slowdown of the Indonesian economy, the steady rise of diaspora remittances is certainly welcomed by all. The diaspora’s remittances have been known to be used as capital to open businesses in their native country, which would be far more meaningful to the economy than simply being used for consumption. In addition to providing remittances, the diaspora can also encourage commerce, philanthropy, foreign direct investment (FDI), and the transfer of knowledge and technology to their homeland.

Apropos the transfer of technology, for example, the Silicon Valley Asia Technology Alliance (SVATA), initiated by several members of the Indonesian diaspora in the field of technology, regularly hosts startup boot camps for local Indonesian techpreneurs to improve their skills and networks. The primary objective is for the techpreneurs to return to Indonesia and help build the country’s technology industry. In the midst of an influx of foreign startups seeking to dominate the Indonesian market, SVATA can be interpreted as a means to defend (bela) and develop (bangun) local Indonesian startups.

Along the lines of what Benedict Anderson referred to as long-distance nationalism in a positive sense, the diaspora can continue to show its love for the homeland by applying the best of their abilities through various means in spite of distance. Whether it is through the preservation of the national identity, remittances, skills transfer, or any other means, the diaspora’s role simply cannot be ignored. If the basic tenet of bela dan bangun negara is ‘love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) to ensure the continuity of the nation and state’, then the Indonesian diaspora will continue to be an integral component of the NKRI.


*Hamdan Hamedan is an Indonesian national and president of the Indonesian Diaspora Network of Northern California. The above views are personal.

*^This article was originally published in Tempo Magazine’s English Special Edition in April 2016

@hamdan.hamedan on Instagram

Dalam suatu riwayat, Rasulullah ﷺ memuji lelaki yang rela bersusah payah menggotong kayu bakar lalu menjualnya (HR. Bukhari no. 1471).

Mengapa Rasulullah ﷺ memujinya?

Karena bekerja, sesederhana apa pun, itu lebih mulia daripada mengemis pada manusia. 

Karena lelaki itu mencari nafkah yang halal dengan tangannya untuk menghidupi dirinya dan keluarganya.

Dan tidak ada nafkah yang lebih baik ketimbang yang diupayakan oleh jerih payah tangan sendiri (HR. Bukhari no. 2072).

Siapapun kamu, penjual kayu bakar atau pedagang es teh, kamu mulia di mata Allah—walau mata manusia sering kali terlalu silau untuk melihatnya.

Kalau ada satu hal yang begitu dekat di hati menteri pekerja dan kemudian presiden Argentina Juan Perón adalah kesejahteraan para pekerja.

Bagi Perón, harga diri seseorang (dan bangsa) ada pada pekerjaannya. 

Dengan bekerja, seseorang mampu memajukan bangsanya, menafkahi keluarga tercintanya, sehingga ia “gagah” dan “bermartabat” sebagai manusia.

Karenanya, ketika terpilih pada 1946, Perón menjadikan kesejahteraan pekerja sebagai prioritas. Di tengah tantangan ekonomi dan keterbatasan fiskal, ia “berani”  meningkatkan upah pekerja.

Salah satu kebijakannya yang monumental adalah aguinaldo, bonus tahunan setara satu bulan gaji, yang membawa kelegaan finansial bagi jutaan pekerja Argentina.

Namun, ambisi Perón meningkatkan upah hingga 35% dalam waktu singkat membawa konsekuensi berat. Defisit fiskal mendorong pemerintah mencetak uang, memicu inflasi, dan akhirnya melemahkan daya beli masyarakat.

Kisah Perón adalah pelajaran abadi: perjuangan untuk kesejahteraan membutuhkan semangat, tapi juga kehati-hatian. Dan perjuangan itu memang butuh kesabaran untuk berprogres secara bertahap.

Meski tidak sempurna, ingatlah bahwa setiap langkah kecil menuju keadilan sosial (justicialismo) adalah kemenangan yang layak diapresiasi.

Sejarah mengingatkan kita, kebijakan yang gradual dan terukur sering kali lebih berkelanjutan untuk masa depan bangsa. 

Sehingga saya percaya keputusan Presiden @prabowo untuk meningkatkan upah minimum nasional (UMN) satu digit (6,5%) ketimbang permintaan dua digit (10%) sudah tepat. Langkah ini tak hanya bentuk kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan pekerja, tapi juga kecermatan dalam menjaga stabilitas ekonomi nasional.

Sejahtera pekerjanya, maju negaranya. Semoga.
Presiden Prabowo: Kunjungan ke Luar Negeri untuk Kemajuan Negeri

Presiden Prabowo Subianto baru saja menyelesaikan lawatan internasional pertamanya.

Melintasi lebih dari 45 ribu kilometer dalam 16 hari, beliau berdiplomasi dengan para pemimpin dunia di Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, Peru, Brasil, Inggris, dan Uni Emirat Arab.

Kunjungan ini bukan sekadar perjalanan diplomatik, tetapi sebuah upaya untuk kemajuan negeri. Beliau pun pulang membawa “oleh-oleh” untuk bangsanya 🇮🇩:

✅ Komitmen Investasi $18,57 Miliar (~ Rp 294 T)* : Meliputi energi terbarukan, teknologi, dan industrialisasi yang akan mempercepat transformasi ekonomi bangsa, termasuk proyek penangkapan dan pemanfaatan karbon untuk mendukung transisi energi hijau.

✅ Perdagangan: Melalui CEPA dengan Uni Emirat Arab, perdagangan nonmigas diharapkan terus tumbuh dan mencapai $10 miliar.

✅ Diplomasi Strategis: Bertemu para pemimpin dunia seperti Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, dan Sekretaris Jenderal PBB António Guterres. 

Dalam pertemuannya dengan Guterres, Presiden Prabowo menegaskan dukungan Indonesia terhadap perdamaian dunia dan komitmen terhadap perjuangan P*lest*na. 

Bahkan beliau menyatakan, Indonesia siap mengirim pasukan perdamaian, jika dibutuhkan.

Presiden Prabowo menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang besar, siap tampil di GARDA TERDEPAN pergaulan dan perdamaian dunia. 

Welcome home, Mr. President @prabowo . 🌍🇮🇩

*Angka ini hampir dua kali lipat anggaran pertahanan Indonesia (Rp 165 T)

Jose Mourinho bercerita bahwa dia pernah mempunyai kapten hebat di FC Porto. Jorge Costa namanya. 

Saat kondisi kurang ideal, Costa pernah minta izin kepada Mourinho untuk “berbicara” lebih dulu kepada para pemain di ruang ganti sebelum sang pelatih masuk. 

Mourinho pun setuju. 

Hasilnya luar biasa: para pemain langsung terbakar semangat, dan Porto pun keluar sebagai pemenang. 

Bahkan mereka akhirnya sampai mencetak sejarah juara Piala Champions. 

Itulah harmoni antara kapten dan pelatih yang hebat—dua jiwa yang seirama, bekerja sama demi kejayaan tim. 

Kombinasi seperti ini adalah kunci sukses dalam sepakbola, dan lazim ditemukan di tim-tim yang serius mau sukses. 

Yuk, kita bersama-sama mengedukasi tentang pentingnya sinergi antara kapten dan pelatih—bukan mencari hal-hal yang tak substansial, apalagi hanya demi sensasi dan klik semata. 

Trust me, you can do better next time 😊.

P.S. Oh ya, Jorge Costa itu posisinya bek. Jadi mengingatkanku kepada siapa ya? 😎

Selamat kepada Coach @shintaeyong7777 dan segenap tim atas kemenangan gemilang 2-0 melawan Arab Saudi di Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Babak Ketiga. 

Rekor-rekor baru pun tercipta:

1️⃣ Kemenangan pertama di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia 
2️⃣ Kemenangan pertama atas Arab Saudi sepanjang sejarah
3️⃣ Indonesia sebagai tim ASEAN tersukses di babak ketiga kualifikasi Piala Dunia dengan raihan 6 poin – melewati Vietnam (4 poin) dan Thailand (2 poin).

Dengan hasil ini, Indonesia berada di peringkat 3 Grup C, membuktikan bahwa harapan itu masih ada dan menyala 🔥

Terima kasih, Garuda, telah membuat kami bahagia dan bangga 🦅🇮🇩

Nah, yang bangga dengan progress dan proses timnas kita, mana nih suaranya? 😊
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